The Creator Class



#TCCPROJECTS is created by The Creator Class and powered by FREE — a creator studio and cultural incubator built for creators showcasing projects and collaborations by a community of visual storytellers. I was approached to collaborate on two projects as a cinematographer on: Designing the Lab and A Collaborative Effort.

On Designing the Lab: Worlds collide when FREE commissioned Toronto-based designer, Ben Johnston to create a sign that typifies their new physical production hub known as the #CanonCreatorLab. His designs have materialized as public murals, laser cut outs, and 3D renderings as documented here.

In A Collaborative Effort — Brothers and co-founders of the lifestyle and design agency Daily News Project, Guillaume and Alex Viau collaborate with Toronto-based photographers Othello Grey and Neva Wireko to capture the capsule collection with Los Angeles-based DJ + producer duo, The Chainsmokers.

“ I’ve always had a strong sense of collaborating with people. I think it’s about sharing ideas, once you start doing that you start unlocking the potential for greater projects to come forward.”

– Ben Johnston





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